Monday, March 31, 2008

Boys In Books Are Just Better

Rena and her boyfriend, Gabe are probably broken up. Gabe seems to have 'commitment issues'. I have to be the if you dumped him, why are we eating ice-cream? friend.

Which is why, boys in books are just better. I think everyone should write more novels with boys like Edward Cullen. Because really, who is going to get their heart broken by a guy in paper? When you have aspirations like having your boyfriend treat you like Edward treats Bella, you KNOW better than to let some dumb fool tear you down. You say, "No. I have rights. You should treat me like this, and if you can't, we can't be together."

Which is why, I have collected some icons for you guys. ( =

Maybe They Aren't So Brainwashed..

Okay, well the people I have decided to be nice to even though they are brainwashed.. are actually nice. I thought they were being nice to me for the sake of it, but I think they like me? I'm still unsure because I am all like, yeah! okay! sounds good! <3. while they are like, uhm, okay. that sounds sweet. Maybe I am being strange or something, but I am really enthusiastic.

Other than that, I read today that 90% of all publishers want the first chapter. So your first chapter has to be amazing.

My friend, Alice and I are writing a novel. I said that already, right? Well she says serious authors cannot be corny. So we have cut the cornyness out of our book.

Now for a trip down Stephenie Meyer Lane, the author of Twilight has a tip.

S: You don't have to write the book in order. Write every scene you are interested in, and piece them together later.

You see! Good advice. I spent about three hours typing my novel today. =) You can do it.

Signed, Reading Roxanne.

PS: For anyone obsessed with Twilight & it's movie, I found a page of pics.

You Are Intoxicated By My Presence.

My best friend, Rena, says she's not into vampire novels. She likes depressing novels. Well, WHO IS NOT INTO VAMPIRE NOVELS? Anyways, after a long arguement, I have decided to recommend some dark & depressing novels, for anyone like Rena.

Crank : by ellen hopkins.

Crank definitly fits this mold, this is one of Rena's favourite books. Guess who recommended it to her? It tells the story of seventeen year old Kristina, a typical good girl who meets the monster. It's written entirely in poems, but the poems deepen with depressing thoughts as we watch Kristina's struggle to overcome her new addiction.

Shattering Glass : by gail giles.

Simon Glass was easy to hate. I never knew exactly why, there was too much to pick from. I guess, really, we each hated him for a different reason, but we didn’t realize it until the day we killed him. When Rob, the charismatic leader of the senior class, decides to turn the sniveling class nerd in Prince Charming, his cruel challenge leads to violence and death.

Right Behind You : gail giles.
This one is one of my favourite books ! (=
What I know: On his seventh birthday, I set Bobby Clarke on fire. I was nine. Star swimmer, loyal friend, and good looking, too. “Perfect”—that’s how they describe his life. But no one knows he’s got a past. No one knows that he’s seen what nightmares are made of, or that he spent four long years in a juvenile ward. That his best friends were hardened criminals. They don’t even know his real name.

Go Ask Alice : anonymous.
When a middle-class teen returns to her hometown for the summer, she unwillingly ingests LSD in a bottle of Coca-Cola. Now we watch the diary entries of our new friend and how different drugs can affect her once-perfect life.
Oh damn, damn, damn, it's happened again. I don't know whether to scream with glory or cover myself with ashes and sackcloth, whatever that means. Anyone who says pot and acid are not addicting is a damn, stupid, raving idiot, unenlightened fool! I've been on them since July 10, and when I've been off I've been scared to death to even think of anything that even looks or seems like dope. All the time pretending to myself that I could take it or leave it!
Well, I have a novel to write and a shower to take.
Signed, Reading Roxanne.
PS : For all you struggling writers click .
It will help you unleash your writers block!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What A Stupid, Masochistic Lion.

[masochistic, adjective 1. deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated ]

Since my obsession with the Twilight Saga isn't something that can be cured, I'm hopeless. Literally hopeless. I have spent the last three hours reading interviews, outtakes, etc. I am completely obsessed. It's bad enough I LENT MY COPY OF TWILIGHT TO MY BEST FRIEND, who is a very slow reader, compared to moi. She has had it for a week, and only read 112 pages. I can read that in less than an hour.

So until then, I have set up my welfare computer, which has no connection to the internet.. to write on. It's going well, except I am using wordpad, and there is NO WORD COUNT. But at least I am transferring all my work for my novel from my Red Mead Notebook, which seemed to have lost years after the Diet Coke With Lime incident.

Except my novel is a LONG way from being REMOTELY finished. Considering my lack of descriptiveness & detail, but I really wanted to just get to the parts that INTEREST me.

Now, I have some novel work to do, and a large slice of Pumpkin Pie to eat. What can I say? I've been craving it. Do yourselves a favor & read Twilight.

Or on second thought, don't. It's so good it might make you stop writing all together.. or just become obsessed like me.

Signed, Reading Roxanne.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Edward Cullen Can't Pee!

Sad as I am to say the news, EDWARD CULLEN CANNOT PEE. My friend and I have been debating this, and I am to say, "Well this sucks." We spent hours on this last night. I know, I am supposed to be writing my novel instead of talking on the phone, but it was about novels! My friend and I also came up with an idea and now we are co-writing.

It's exciting. I know. Anyways, since I talked so long last night, I am starved for novels. So please excuse me while I run off to.. write.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Dead Girls Don't Use Facebook

Maybe I should stop buying brand names. I mean, I don't buy big shirts with the symbols on them. I just buy normal clothes, or sweaters or something. But obviously, if you buy brands AND try and be different from the crowd, you .. "think you are so original .. but your not."

That's what my hater said. This person is so dead to me. Plus, I don't even know who it is, because it's anonymous. I should stop lying and be positive all the time, because things like this put me in a bad mood and make me lie. I lie because there was more to that message, but I am not going to tell anyone what else it said.

I don't think I'm non-original though. I do think I know who it is, but I am not going to call them on it. It's part of my Try And Be Nice To Everyone Even If They All Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower thing. Which I am starting today. However, this blog doesn't count, because it's a way to get things out without resorting to Taking Things Out On The People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower, like I have done in the past.

Anyways, today I went bowling, and I brought a book. Most people looked at me, but I am used to it. I seem to be one of the only people who brings a book anywhere, like to church. It's impolite to read during church, they tell me. But I say, who cares? As long as I am there, you shouldn't pick on me for doing something educational, and not sitting for an hour without using my mind. A lady at bowling said,

"That must be a good book." I nodded at her, trying not to look up. It was a crucial part.

"What's it called?" she asked again.

"Eclipse." I finally looked up, and smiled. I turned and showed her the cover, which I then realized wasn't on. Since it was a hardcover, I took the cover off, because I am bad at losing things.

No one is reading this blog yet, which is actually a relief. If People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower read it, they would automatically know they were People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower. I've called them many names in the past, often to their face, so that is probably why they hate me so much. At least they put on a cheery disposition, and I pretend to do the same, until I get home and write my hostility into my novel.

Good thing I am anonymous, since The People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower might have a little brainpower to recognize themselves. But they are dead to me. I am off to finish reading another Gail Giles novel, Dead Girls Don't Write Letters. I strongly encourage you to read her shit. It's so dark and creepy, I can't get enough. I'll write later tonight when I am not so angry.

Signed, Reading Roxanne.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hello, Fellow Neophytes.

[ ne·o·phyte /ˈniəˌfaɪt/ –noun 1. a beginner or novice ]

I have had exactly one week of spring break, and I have been acting socially unacceptable. Sitting on a slow, Windows Vista Screwed computer, I am blogging. To make me even more loserish, I am blogging under a fake name about something most people find stupid. Not like I care what they think, nevertheless, they will never find me here.

I have another ten days of spring break, and you know what I did today? It's my best friends birthday and I went to the library with a fellow reader/writer. I got out 19 hardcover novels, and I have already read six. In six hours. Doing the math, that's about a novel an hour, because they were all about the same size. I really am a loser.

Like today, when my own novel, disguised in a spiral notebook with ALGEBRA on the cover, got Diet Coke With Lime spilt on it. I freaked out. I freaked out so much I had to take an old newspaper to clean it. It was after all, over fifty pages of a short book I was penning over break. The people on the subway watched me spaz, and I heard whispering.

So now I am stuck home for the next two days, as my parents are babysitting. It's not like I can go to a friend's house, no. I have to spend time with the kids. Okay, I'm not really complaining, because I have 13 novels left and one of my own to write. Just don't tell my friends, because they don't know how much I want to be alone and read.

For all you teens out there penning your own novel/memoir, here's what I have to say to you. Protect your work. You never know when a simple Diet Coke With Lime can spill on your notebook, causing a few pages to stick together. Don't worry, it's okay. But I am keeping guard!

Signed, Reading Roxanne