Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Daily Schedule

I guess you might wonder what writers do with their days while normal people are out working normal jobs. Well, if it's not obvious already, we write.

Actually, very little of my time is spent writing. I talk on the phone a lot, I read books, and I pick on my cat. Today I have had my laptop on for about three hours, and I have organized about two thousand words.

Hint the word 'organized.' I only wrote about five hundred today, but I found some writing I did awhile ago and added it to my new novel. That's why it's great to write every day, even if it's going nowhere. Sometimes, it ends up fitting in with your story.

This morning, my cat woke me up at six. I carried him out to the kitchen, made a big pot of coffee, and took a shower. I then read Good Housekeeping magazine, put on some mascara, and started the laptop.

I surfed the internet and wrote one or two sentences until eight, when I turned on Good Morning America. I watched and wrote, alternating until nine, when I answered a phone call and ate some cookies. Then I got back to work.

I don't do much in summer except writing. School is different. I write during class, in every class, throughout the day. I never stop writing when I am faced the responsibility to do something else.

Ugh, homework.

Seeing how today is my last day of summer before I start school again, I'm using it well.

Alice is coming over! YAY!

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