Maybe I should stop buying brand names. I mean, I don't buy big shirts with the symbols on them. I just buy normal clothes, or sweaters or something. But obviously, if you buy brands AND try and be different from the crowd, you .. "think you are so original .. but your not."
That's what my hater said. This person is so dead to me. Plus, I don't even know who it is, because it's anonymous. I should stop lying and be positive all the time, because things like this put me in a bad mood and make me lie. I lie because there was more to that message, but I am not going to tell anyone what else it said.
I don't think I'm non-original though. I do think I know who it is, but I am not going to call them on it. It's part of my Try And Be Nice To Everyone Even If They All Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower thing. Which I am starting today. However, this blog doesn't count, because it's a way to get things out without resorting to Taking Things Out On The People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower, like I have done in the past.
Anyways, today I went bowling, and I brought a book. Most people looked at me, but I am used to it. I seem to be one of the only people who brings a book anywhere, like to church. It's impolite to read during church, they tell me. But I say, who cares? As long as I am there, you shouldn't pick on me for doing something educational, and not sitting for an hour without using my mind. A lady at bowling said,
"That must be a good book." I nodded at her, trying not to look up. It was a crucial part.
"What's it called?" she asked again.
"Eclipse." I finally looked up, and smiled. I turned and showed her the cover, which I then realized wasn't on. Since it was a hardcover, I took the cover off, because I am bad at losing things.
No one is reading this blog yet, which is actually a relief. If People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower read it, they would automatically know they were People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower. I've called them many names in the past, often to their face, so that is probably why they hate me so much. At least they put on a cheery disposition, and I pretend to do the same, until I get home and write my hostility into my novel.
Good thing I am anonymous, since The People Who Look Alike Because They Have No Brainpower might have a little brainpower to recognize themselves. But they are dead to me. I am off to finish reading another Gail Giles novel, Dead Girls Don't Write Letters. I strongly encourage you to read her shit. It's so dark and creepy, I can't get enough. I'll write later tonight when I am not so angry.
Signed, Reading Roxanne.