Sunday, March 30, 2008

What A Stupid, Masochistic Lion.

[masochistic, adjective 1. deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated ]

Since my obsession with the Twilight Saga isn't something that can be cured, I'm hopeless. Literally hopeless. I have spent the last three hours reading interviews, outtakes, etc. I am completely obsessed. It's bad enough I LENT MY COPY OF TWILIGHT TO MY BEST FRIEND, who is a very slow reader, compared to moi. She has had it for a week, and only read 112 pages. I can read that in less than an hour.

So until then, I have set up my welfare computer, which has no connection to the internet.. to write on. It's going well, except I am using wordpad, and there is NO WORD COUNT. But at least I am transferring all my work for my novel from my Red Mead Notebook, which seemed to have lost years after the Diet Coke With Lime incident.

Except my novel is a LONG way from being REMOTELY finished. Considering my lack of descriptiveness & detail, but I really wanted to just get to the parts that INTEREST me.

Now, I have some novel work to do, and a large slice of Pumpkin Pie to eat. What can I say? I've been craving it. Do yourselves a favor & read Twilight.

Or on second thought, don't. It's so good it might make you stop writing all together.. or just become obsessed like me.

Signed, Reading Roxanne.

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