Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hello, Fellow Neophytes.

[ ne·o·phyte /ˈniəˌfaɪt/ –noun 1. a beginner or novice ]

I have had exactly one week of spring break, and I have been acting socially unacceptable. Sitting on a slow, Windows Vista Screwed computer, I am blogging. To make me even more loserish, I am blogging under a fake name about something most people find stupid. Not like I care what they think, nevertheless, they will never find me here.

I have another ten days of spring break, and you know what I did today? It's my best friends birthday and I went to the library with a fellow reader/writer. I got out 19 hardcover novels, and I have already read six. In six hours. Doing the math, that's about a novel an hour, because they were all about the same size. I really am a loser.

Like today, when my own novel, disguised in a spiral notebook with ALGEBRA on the cover, got Diet Coke With Lime spilt on it. I freaked out. I freaked out so much I had to take an old newspaper to clean it. It was after all, over fifty pages of a short book I was penning over break. The people on the subway watched me spaz, and I heard whispering.

So now I am stuck home for the next two days, as my parents are babysitting. It's not like I can go to a friend's house, no. I have to spend time with the kids. Okay, I'm not really complaining, because I have 13 novels left and one of my own to write. Just don't tell my friends, because they don't know how much I want to be alone and read.

For all you teens out there penning your own novel/memoir, here's what I have to say to you. Protect your work. You never know when a simple Diet Coke With Lime can spill on your notebook, causing a few pages to stick together. Don't worry, it's okay. But I am keeping guard!

Signed, Reading Roxanne

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